Contact Info
Enterprise, OR 97828
- Phone:
- 541-426-5546
- Length:
- 11.4 miles
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- Time:
- 4 - 5 hours
The Hells Canyon NRA trail system provides a range of opportunities and challenges. You'll encounter jagged cliffs with steep, rocky sections, and gentle trails that lead from desert to alpine environments. You may encounter heavy brush on some sections of trail, and numerous stream crossings during spring run-off. Three trails, the Western Rim Trail in Oregon, and the Heavens Gate Lookout and the Snake River trails in Idaho, are all designated National Recreation Trails. The Nee-Me-Poo Trail, the historical route taken by the Nez Perce Indians during their flight from the Wallowa Valley, has been designated by Congress as a National Historic Trail.