Contact Info
88401 Hwy. 82
Enterprise, OR 97828
- Phone:
- 541-426-4978
- Length:
- 19 miles one-way
- Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Time:
- 9 - 11 hours
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 5200 feet
- Elevation Range:
- 5200 feet to 8001 feet
- Elevation Change:
- 2801 feet
- Usage:
- Moderate to Heavy use in summer and fall (horses and hikers)
- Season:
- Summer to Fall
The Bowman Trail is a major access point for hikers and horses into the Eagle Cap Wilderness. The trail provides access to Chimney, Hobo, Laverty and Wood lakes as well as Brownie Basin and North Minam Meadows. The area is surrounded by steep rocky mountain ranges framed by a lush green valley. Alpine lakes are within a short distance of North Minam Meadows. The lakes offer fishing for eastern brook and golden trout with excellent opportunities to view elk and deer. There is water available along most of the route, but be prepared for areas in between water sources. We recommend taking water from natural springs and clear sources where possible, using a filter suitable for Giardia and other micro-organisms, or boiling your drinking water for at least five minutes.
NW Forest Passes are required at the Bowman Trailhead.
This trail has a moderate to steep grade with several switchbacks. There are several stream crossings along the route. There is limited parking at the trailhead so trucks and stock trailers need to park at Bowman Trailhead. The trailhead has a stock ramp, hitch rails, picnic area, and outhouse facilities.
Trailhead Elevation:
Elevation Range:
Elevation Change:
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Take State Highway No. 82 to Lostine and go south on the Lostine River Road No. 8210. The trailhead is located 14 miles south of the junction with State Highway No. 82. The first 6 miles are paved and the last 7 miles are graveled.