Contact Info
88401 Hwy. 82
Enterprise, OR 97828
- Phone:
- 541-426-4978
- Length:
- 7 miles one-way
- Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Time:
- 6 - 7 hours
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 4646 feet
- Elevation Range:
- 4646 feet to 7420 feet
- Elevation Change:
- 2774 feet
- Usage:
- Very Heavy in summer, light in fall
- Season:
- Summer to Fall
This route provides you excellent views of Wallowa Lake, the town of Joseph, Chief Joseph Mountain and Wallowa Valley. Fishing opportunities are available in B.C. Creek at approximately 1.5 miles from the trailhead. Grouse and Mule Deer are often seen in this area, as well as pikas in the rock outcrops. The Chief Joseph Trail climbs gradually through open meadows interspersed with lodgepole pine and alpine fir and an occasional waterfall to enjoy. Many wildflowers can be enjoyed in late June. The trail ends in a meadow overlooking the valley with Chief Joseph Mountain in the background.
NW Forest Passes are not required at Wallowa Lake Trailheads.
Campsites are not available at the trailhead. Wallowa Lake State Park is nearby. Reservations are required at this state park during summer months. This trail is best for hikers and backpackers. Recreational stock is permitted but it can be a difficult ride due to a brushy and narrow trail. The only good campsites are located at the end of the trail but water is not available. Be sure to carry water with you.
Trailhead Elevation:
Elevation Range:
Elevation Change:
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
From Enterprise Oregon, take State Highway No. 82 through Joseph and past Wallowa Lake. The trailhead is at the end of the road, approximately one mile past the lake. Parking is available at the trailhead along with a stock loading ramp and hitch rails. The trail is found by taking the West Fork of the Wallowa River Trail (No. 1820) 0.3 miles to the junction of the Chief Joseph Mountain Trail No. 1803.