Contact Info
7803 Beaver Creek Road
Paulina, OR 97751
- Phone:
- 541-477-6900
- Length:
- 6.4 miles
- Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Time:
- 4.5 to 5.5 hours
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 4550 feet
- Elevation Range:
- 4550 feet to 5850 feet
- Elevation Change:
- 1300 feet
- Season:
- Summer to Fall
Keeton Trail passes through a variety of dense and open mixed conifer forest with pockets of ponderosa pine. There are areas of recent and older timber harvest intermixed with unlogged areas. After relatively gentle rolling terrain for the first ¾ mile, the trail begins to descend steeply into the Keeton Creek drainage. A steep climb follows the crossing of Keeton Creek, then another descent along an abandoned road into the Fry Creek drainage to meet the north end of Fry Trail No. 816. From the east end of Keeton Trail, Forest Road No. 2630 is a steep 2 mile climb up Fry Trail and Barnhouse Campground is approximately 3½ miles west on Fry and Barnhouse Trails. Closed Forest Road #1280 also leads to Barnhouse Campground from a short distance up Fry Trail. Trail is maintained every year to primitive standards.
Trailhead Elevation:
Elevation Range:
Elevation Change:
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Travel US Highway 26 to Forest Road #12 – 13 miles east of Mitchell and 25 miles west of Dayville. Take Forest Road #12 5 miles south to Barnhouse Campground. Continue on FR #12 2¼ miles past the campground to Forest Road #2630. Take FR #2630 for 5 miles to the poorly marked Keeton Trailhead on the north side of the road (about 2 miles west of the junction of Forest Roads 2630 x 3000-800). Roadside parking is available.