Contact Info
- Phone:
- 541-820-3800
- Length:
- 7.3 miles
- Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Time:
- 5 - 6 hours
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 5160 feet
- Elevation Range:
- 5160 feet to 6440 feet
- Elevation Change:
- 1280 feet
- Usage:
- Light
- Season:
- June to November
This trail, in the Monument Rock Wilderness Area, starts out along Elk Flat Creek and follows it to the Little Malheur River. Fishing is good on the lower stretch of the trail.
Water is continuous after the first 1 1/2 miles. There is cattle congestion at water sources. Water should be carried in to drink.
Trailhead Elevation:
Elevation Range:
Elevation Change:
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
#1 North end - From Prairie City, go south on County Road 62, turn left at Forest Service road 13. Take Forest Service road 13 to Forest Service 1370 and follow it to the Little Malheur River Trailhead.
#2 South end - Continue south past the 1370 road to Short Creek Guard Station. Head east Forest Service road 16 for approximately 10 miles. Turn north on Forest Service road 1672, this becomes Forest Service road 457. The trailhead is at the end of the road.