Contact Info
88401 Hwy. 82
Enterprise, OR 97828
- Phone:
- 541-426-4978
- Length:
- 6 miles one-way
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- Time:
- 3.5 - 4.5 hours
- Trailhead Elevation:
- 5606 feet
- Elevation Range:
- 5606 feet to 7373 feet
- Elevation Change:
- 1767 feet
- Usage:
- Heavy Use in summer and fall (horses and hikers)
- Season:
- Summer to Fall
Diverse landscape, with the West Fork of the Lostine River flowing along part of the trail. Beautiful scenery along the trail with many large granite boulders. Magnificent view of Brown Mountain. Excellent fishing in the lakes, with easy access to Blue Lake from Minam Lake. You will ride or hike along mountain ridges, viewing spectacular scenery. This route transgresses into meadows, mountain peaks, forested scenery and rocky hillside.
There are many dispersed campsites on this trail. Various loop opportunities are available from this trail.
NW Forest Passes are required at Two Pan Trailhead.
The trail to Minam Lake is gentle with two minor stream fords. At the trailhead there are outhouses, a stock ramp and hitch rails. There is adequate parking at the trailhead. The river runs along part of the trail. We recommend taking water from clear sources where possible, using a filter suitable for Giardia and other micro-organisms, or boiling your drinking water for at least five minutes. The trail is well signed at the trailhead, junctions and boundaries.
Trailhead Elevation:
Elevation Range:
Elevation Change:
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Take State Highway No. 82 to Lostine and go south on the Lostine River Road No. 8210. The trailhead is located 17 miles south of the junction with State Highway No. 82. The first 6 miles is a paved road and the last 11 miles is graveled.